Houston Stairway Accident Lawyer

Stairway Accidents

Stairway accidents can often result in devastating injuries for those who slip or trip and fall, and if you’ve recently been hurt in one, you should consider reaching out to an experienced Houston stairway accident lawyer at once. Our firm is vastly experienced in handling premises liability claims in Texas, and we are here to put that experience to work for you. Contact us today to learn more about these accidents and how we can help if you’ve been hurt in one.

Do I Need a Houston Stairway Accident Lawyer?

Were you hurt in a stairwell because of unsafe conditions? Did your injuries require medical attention? If so, you can rely on a Houston premises liability lawyer here at our firm to fight for the compensation you need to help cover the cost of your medical bills, lost wages, and more.

Causes of Stairway Accidents

Falling down the stairs doesn’t always happen because of unsafe stairway conditions, however, in some cases, people are seriously injured because stairwells are insufficiently maintained. Some of the most common causes of stairway accidents are as follows:

  • Spilled liquids
  • Debris left on stairwells
  • Broken or unsafe railings
  • Loose or missing stairs
  • Inadequate security in stairwells
  • Dim lighting

Proving Your Claim

If you are looking to recover compensation after sustaining an injury in an unsafe stairway, you will have to prove that your injuries were directly caused by another party’s negligence. This is known as satisfying the burden of proof. The following evidence is most helpful when it comes to proving personal injury claims:

  • A police report of the accident
  • Medical documents concerning your injuries
  • Pictures of the unsafe stairway conditions
  • Surveillance footage of the accident occurring
  • Witness testimony

Time Limits on Personal Injury Claims

As you may know, time is of the essence when filing a personal injury claim. In Texas, typically, the statute of limitations for personal injury claims is two years, giving the injured party two years from the date of their accident to take legal action against the party who caused it. However, in some cases, such as when a person is injured on property owned by a municipality or the government, they are required to file a Notice of Claim within six months of the date of their accident. Waiting longer than this will most likely result in a person losing their right to bring a personal injury claim.

Contact a Houston Stairway Accident Lawyer

If you’ve been hurt because of unsafe stairway conditions, you need experienced legal counsel on your side. Our firm is here to help. Contact us today to schedule your free initial consultation with our competent legal team.

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