Houston Construction Accident Lawyer

Construction Accidents

Injured construction workers should never proceed without a seasoned Houston construction site accident lawyer on their side. These claims are often complex, and should not be handled by inexperienced legal counsel. We are here to help. Contact The Gonzalez Law Group, PLLC to learn more about construction accidents, what to do after being hurt in one, and how an experienced Houston construction accident lawyer at our firm can help you through every step of the claims process ahead.

Houston Construction Site Accident Lawyer | Here for Injured Construction Workers

The state of Texas owes a great deal to its construction workers. Without them, we wouldn’t have our schools, offices, roads, and more. Unfortunately, working in construction comes with many potential dangers, though in most cases, serious accidents are prevented by responsible supervisors and the rules set out by OSHA.

That being said, construction accidents still occur more frequently than you may think, and if you are someone who has recently been injured in a construction accident, you most likely now require financial compensation to help cover the cost of your medical bills, lost wages, and more. You can depend on our Houston personal injury attorneys to help you.

Common Causes of Construction Site Accidents

Construction site accidents can occur for a wide variety of reasons, though they are usually due to the negligence of one party. For example, in many cases, people are injured in construction accidents caused by defective equipment, while in other cases, workers are injured due to careless supervisors, insufficient training, and more. Some of the most common types of construction accidents that our firm sees are as follows:

  • Accidents due to defective scaffolding
  • Burns
  • Electrocutions
  • Building collapses
  • Trench cave-ins
  • Ladder accidents
  • Falling debris
  • Explosions
  • Falls from great heights
  • Trip or slip and fall accidents

If you were injured in any of the aforementioned accidents while on the job, there is a very good chance that you are entitled to financial compensation. However, you do not necessarily have to be a construction worker to be involved in a construction accident, as oftentimes, bystanders or passersby are injured due to falling debris from construction sites or other hazards the construction site presents to the public. These individuals also have the right to file a claim.

Third-Party Claims in Texas

In most cases, after sustaining an injury on the job, construction workers will look to file a workers’ compensation claim. However, if the compensation you receive from your workers’ compensation claim does not cover the full cost of your injuries, you may file a third-party claim. Essentially, in a third-party claim, our firm will sue the third-party responsible for your accident.

For example, if you were injured due to defective equipment, we can sue the equipment designer or manufacturer for your injuries. In other cases, we can sue negligent property owners, architects, or any other party outside of your employer that is responsible for your injuries. Third-party claims allow you to sue for the compensation you need while keeping your job, as you are not suing your employer directly. That being said, you should understand that in many cases, if you’ve also filed a workers’ compensation claim, you may have to pay back the compensation your insurance company provided in that claim.

Contact a Houston Construction Accident Lawyer

The Gonzalez Law Group, PLLC has tremendous respect for all construction workers throughout the state of Texas, and we understand that if you’ve been injured on the job, you are most likely very worried about how it may affect you or your family. We are here to help. Contact our firm today to schedule your initial consultation so we can begin working to obtain the financial compensation you deserve and need to get back on your feet again.

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