When you are arrested in Texas for possession of a controlled substance, it's imperative to understand the different factors that can influence how your case is prosecuted. In general, taking these charges seriously is critical, as the penalties you can face for drug possession in Texas are severe. If you're… Read More
When you are arrested and charged with a crime, the first thing you may worry about is whether or not you will go to jail. Unfortunately, there is no direct answer to this, as there are several factors that influence whether or not someone will be incarcerated for a crime.… Read More
Facing any assault offense is a serious matter in Texas, as this is considered a violent crime. However, when you are specifically charged with aggravated assault, it's imperative to understand that this is one of the most severe crimes you can face in the state. Unfortunately, many are unaware of… Read More
For many, the idea of being in legal trouble is something they never want to experience. However, when you find yourself in handcuffs, understanding the implications you can face is critical. Unfortunately, many assume they can navigate these matters on their own without the help of Houston criminal defense attorneys,… Read More
Being charged with any crime can be incredibly overwhelming, but when the charges against you are on a federal level, it can be devastating. Unfortunately, many are unaware of how state and federal crimes differ, so it's important to understand what you should know about these matters if facing charges.… Read More
When you are arrested and charged with a crime that carries the potential for jail time, it can be incredibly overwhelming. Not only can having a criminal record follow you for the rest of your life, but going to jail can be very traumatic. If you have been charged with… Read More
If you have been charged with a criminal offense, understanding what to expect during the criminal justice process is critical. Generally, after your arrest, you will appear before a judge during a process known as arraignment. At this hearing, the judge will review the charges against you and set bail.… Read More
When you are charged with a crime in Texas, you may find that the court date scheduled is incredibly inconvenient. Though you've tried to get off work or find a babysitter, you may think that skipping your hearing is no big deal. However, failure to appear in Texas is something… Read More
When you are charged with a crime, your attorney will examine a wide array of evidence to help your case. It's important to understand, however, that this is not only physical evidence, like photos, DNA, or objects. Testimony can also be used as evidence to impact the outcome of your… Read More
Though technology has not adapted to the point where we have flying cars, vehicles have changed drastically over the years. One of the most impressive feats that has been established is the self-driving car. While these have many benefits, it's important to understand how this technology works to ensure you… Read More
It's important to understand that there are several laws in place designed to ensure the safety of the general public. One of the most important laws revolves around drunk drivers. There are rules and regulations in place regarding how much alcohol a driver can consume before being charged with Driving… Read More
Facing criminal charges can be overwhelming, as it can have a considerable impact on your future. If you have been convicted of a crime in the past, you may wonder if this will affect the outcome of your current case. Many are unaware of the severity of these matters and… Read More
For many, the new year symbolizes a fresh start and a time to implement changes. However, when you begin your new year with a DWI charge, this sour note can dampen the rest of your year and, in some instances, the rest of your life. As such, understanding these charges… Read More
Unfortunately, many associate shoplifting crimes with juvenile offenses, as children and rebellious teens are often the culprits of this crime. However, it's important to understand that in many instances, stealing items from a store without paying is not something that will result in a slap on the wrist. If you're… Read More
When the police have reason to believe that a driver is under the influence, they'll need to look for a number of factors, including physical and behavioral symptoms and signs of intoxication. As such, understanding what the police will look for during a traffic stop is critical to protect yourself.… Read More
When you hear a knock at your door, the last thing you expect when you open it is to see the police standing there with a search warrant. Unfortunately, many are unsure how to navigate these complicated situations. First and foremost, you should connect with Houston criminal defense attorneys to… Read More
Being charged with a DWI can be an incredibly complex matter that requires legal guidance. Unfortunately, many assume that there is nothing they can do regarding these matters, and simply accept the consequences regardless of whether or not they are warranted. If this reflects your circumstances, you'll want to keep… Read More
For many adults, caring for an older relative is something they may not have planned for. However, it's important to understand that this process can be incredibly difficult for many to handle. Unfortunately, it's not uncommon for tempers to flare and unfounded accusations or allegations to arise. If you've been… Read More
It's important to understand that a hit-and-run accusation is not something that should be taken lightly. If the police arrive and accuse you of this act, it's not as simple are receiving a traffic ticket. The penalties you can face are intense and ask suck, it's in your best interest… Read More
When you are pulled over, the last thing you expect is for your driver's license to be suspended after your interaction with the police. However, this can occur for several reasons, but it can have serious impacts on your daily life. Whether you rely on your license to get to… Read More
When you are pulled over and asked to provide a breath sample because the officer believes you are under the influence, it can be intimidating. However, when you provide the sample, the last thing you may expect is for it to come back detecting alcohol in your system. Though you… Read More
Being charged with a criminal offense can be incredibly nerve-wracking. However, when you're facing a felony you can expect your life to change in many ways. One area in which you will encounter difficulties is in your employment prospects. However, the best way to navigate these issues is to connect… Read More
When you're pulled over by a police officer, the last thing you want to hear is them ask whether or not you've been drinking. When an officer suspects you are under the influence of alcohol, the interaction can become all the more tense as one wrong answer can land you… Read More
When you are arrested and charged with a felony offense, it can have a substantial impact on your life. Not only can it impact your ability to obtain certain employment or where you can live. As such, you may want to explore whether or not you are eligible to have… Read More
When you're driving at night, the last thing you want to see is flashing red and blue lights behind you. When you are pulled over, especially at night, the officer will likely look for signs that you are under the influence. They may even ask you if you've been drinking.… Read More
Whether you believe you're just joking around with a friend or had no idea that your actions are against the law, you may face a harassment charge. If this is the case, understanding what warrants these charges, the penalties you can face if convicted, and what your legal options are… Read More
Unfortunately, most people assume that if they are charged with a misdemeanor offense, that means they will walk away with a stern warning and a little community service. However, this can leave a stain on your record, impacting things like employment, while also leaving you with the potential to face… Read More
Being arrested for a crime can be an incredibly overwhelming experience. Though it can be disparaging, you may still hold out hope that you can beat the charges against you. Unfortunately, however, if you are convicted, you may feel like all hope is lost. It's important to understand that following… Read More
If you are charged with a crime in Texas, it can feel like the cards are not in your favor. Not only do you face prosecution under one of the most strict states in the country, but the prosecution seemingly has unlimited resources to put you away. Though you may… Read More
For many, being charged with a criminal offense for the first time can be incredibly complex and overwhelming. However, having multiple run-ins with the law can leave you in serious legal trouble. Unfortunately, many underestimate the impact a prior conviction can have on current drug offenses, which means many underestimate… Read More
When you are pulled over by the police, it can be an anxiety-inducing experience. However, you may expect to walk away with a slap on the wrist for speeding or at worst, a ticket. Unfortunately, if you are pulled over and the officer has reason to search your vehicle, you… Read More
Driving under the influence of alcohol is incredibly dangerous, as it lowers inhibitions, reaction time, and judgment, all of which can contribute to collisions. As such, law enforcement takes these matters very seriously, which is why if you're pulled over for this, the consequences you can face can be intense.… Read More
Accidents involving a driver under the influence of drugs or alcohol can be devastating. As such, law enforcement will take the necessary steps to mitigate the risk of collisions by holding those who drive under the influence accountable for their actions through serious consequences. However, if you're facing your third… Read More
Being accused of any crime can be overwhelming, but you'll find that facing accusations of domestic violence can be extremely damaging due to the heinous nature of this offense. Unfortunately, many facing charges underestimate the severity of these offenses, which can lead to unfavorable outcomes. As such, if you are… Read More
You may assume that because you aren't found with drugs physically in your possession, you won't be charged with a drug-related offense. However, this is not necessarily, true. Many are unaware of the fact they may be charged on the grounds of "constructive possession." If you've never heard of this… Read More
Unfortunately, many underestimate the severity of drug crimes in Texas. Due to their nature, these offenses are taken very seriously, which can lead to a considerable amount of time behind bars. As such, understanding what controlled substances are, the penalties for related offenses, and the importance of connecting with a… Read More
Due to the number of people charged with this crime annually, there is a common misconception that a DWI is not as serious as other crimes. Many assume they'll receive a slap on the wrist and a stern warning before being sent on their way if they are pulled over… Read More
Facing a DWI charge in Texas carries many intense penalties. However, it's also important to understand that if you are discovered drinking and driving with a child in the car, the penalties you face can be even more intense. As such, it's imperative to understand the consequences of a DWI… Read More
When you are facing a criminal charge for driving while intoxicated, understanding what your legal options are is critical. In some instances, your Houston DWI defense attorneys will inform you that it's in your best interest to fight the charges in the hopes you can beat a conviction. In other… Read More
When the police arrive at your home and accuse you of committing a crime, they may want to look in your home or vehicle for evidence. It's imperative to note that you do not have to consent to a search. However, if the police have a search warrant, you are… Read More
When you are pulled over in Texas and the officer accuses you of driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol, they will likely administer a breathalyzer test to determine whether or not you are under the influence. However, you may be sober, but the test indicates that you are… Read More
When you are accused of a crime against another person, whether that is domestic violence, stalking, or other harassment charges, the victim may petition the court for additional protection against you. One common shield granted is a protective order. If someone has taken out a protective order against you, it's… Read More
When you are granted the opportunity for parole in Texas, it can signal the start of a new chapter. Though you may carry around the impacts of a felony conviction, an early release from prison can help you start anew. However, if accused of a parole violation, this can quickly… Read More
Though many assume that drugs in the United States are brought in from other nations, this is not always the case. In many instances, controlled substances are illegally manufactured and cultivated right in Texas. As such, law enforcement takes these crimes very seriously. If you have been charged with this… Read More
Computer technology has become integral to our lives, from the computer you use for work to the phone in your pocket. That's why attacks against these systems are considered especially egregious. In Texas, felony computer crimes are very serious matters with intense consequences. As such, if you're facing charges, understanding… Read More
When people think of stalking, they may picture a mysterious person hiding in the shadows and watching them without their knowledge. However, it's important to understand that there are numerous ways someone can be charged with this offense. Unfortunately, many people who are charged with stalking don't realize their behavior… Read More
When you are charged with any homicide offense, it can be an incredibly overwhelming and life-changing experience. As such, you must understand that you have the right to a fair trial. At your trial, you are well within your right to defend yourself. However, you should not try to do… Read More
For many, tax season is dreaded. This is an overwhelming and complex process, and you may feel like one mistake can have the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) knocking down your door. However, some people purposely manipulate their taxes to pay less than they owe to the government. Known as tax… Read More
Since their inception, credit cards have become a staple in many people's wallets, as they offer greater protection than using a debit card, as they are not linked directly to the funds in your checking account. However, this does not mean that credit card fraud is taken lightly. If you… Read More
When most people think of drug charges, their mind immediately turns to marijuana, heroin, or cocaine. Very few realize they may face criminal charges when in possession of prescription pills if they do not have a valid prescription. If you were caught with these substances, understanding what comes next is… Read More
When you're pulled over, the officer will ask you for your license, registration, and proof of insurance. If you cannot provide insurance information because it is not on you or you do not have vehicle insurance, understanding what happens next is critical. Unfortunately, many people are unaware of what the… Read More
Many work hard for their property and money, which is why robbery is considered an egregious offense. However, this can be even more heinous when the offender uses a deadly weapon to force another person to relinquish their property. As such, if you have been charged with this crime, understanding… Read More
Many people assume that the act of homicide is treated the same regardless of the circumstances. While it's true that taking the life of another person will almost always have severe and life-altering consequences, there are distinctions between homicide charges in Texas. As such, understanding how murder and manslaughter differ… Read More
Unfortunately, many assume that a scuffle with another person at their local bar will just be brushed off. However, this is far from the truth, as you may face aggravated assault charges as a result of these actions. As such, understanding what warrants this charge and the potential penalties you… Read More
Like most people, you work hard for your money and the things you purchase. As such, theft can be considered an egregious crime. In many instances, the penalties you will face depend on the circumstances surrounding your crime and the value of the item stolen. Regardless, it's in your best… Read More
After a night out drinking with friends, the last thing you expect is to be pulled over by an officer for driving while intoxicated. Unfortunately, DWI is a common charge in Texas. However, despite the number of offenders, many are unaware of the intense consequences they can face for this… Read More
Unfortunately, many are under the misconception that theft crimes are always petty offenses committed by teenagers looking to rebel against their parents. However, stealing of any nature can warrant serious charges, so understanding what penalties you can face when facing a burglary conviction is critical. The following blog explores what… Read More
Facing a second DWI can be an intimidating and intense experience. Unfortunately, many assume they will face the same consequences they did the first time, which is far from the truth. In reality, the penalties grow more intense with each charge. As such, you can expect a myriad of penalties… Read More
Learning that you've been accused of child abuse can be devastating, as it can take a toll on your mental state, reputation, and life. As such, doing what you can to protect yourself is vital. Unfortunately, if you are at the center of an investigation, you may be unfamiliar with… Read More
Unfortunately, many assume that taking a small item or a few knick-knacks from stores is insignificant. After all, many stores make millions, so they likely won't even notice something is missing. However, this is far from the truth. In Texas, shoplifting is taken very seriously and can even result in… Read More
When arrested for a DWI, the first thing you may wonder is how long your driving privileges will be suspended for. Many factors can influence, including whether or not you're over 21 or if you've been convicted before. As such, taking the time to familiarize yourself with these matters is… Read More
In Texas, drug crimes are some of the most intense, with considerable consequences. However, while in other states, some drugs, like marijuana, are legal, this is not the case in Texas. The possession and sale of all illegal substances warrants criminal charges. As such, familiarizing yourself with the penalties for… Read More
When charged with a crime, the idea of a trial ahead can be daunting. In many instances, you may think it's easier to accept a plea deal offered by the prosecution so you do not have to endure the stress of a trial. However, when you accept a plea deal,… Read More
Mental health can impact every facet of someone's life, from their ability to perform their job to their ability to maintain relationships with their loved ones. However, this can also impact what happens if you commit a crime. Many factors affect how those with mental health issues are treated during… Read More
When you're pulled over for a traffic offense in Texas, you may not be extremely worried, as many people receive traffic tickets. However, you may not know these can be civil or criminal charges. As such, proceeding properly is critical to ensure you keep your record as clean as possible.… Read More
When you are driving, the last thing you expect to see is a line of cars ahead. As you get closer, you can see officers speaking to each driver who passes by. When it's your turn to talk to the officers, you realize this is a DWI checkpoint. If the… Read More
Unfortunately, driving while intoxicated (DWI) is one of the most common crimes in Texas. As a result, officers are familiar with recognizing the signs of impairment to charge a driver with this offense. Though it may not seem serious, a DWI can carry heavy consequences for the offender. As such,… Read More
Though you may have considered the possibility of someone breaking into your home to take the measures to prevent it from happening, you can never truly prepare for this to happen. When faced with the threat of severe bodily harm or death, you may take the necessary measures to protect… Read More
When charged with a crime, you may be shocked to discover what you did was against the law. As such, you may try to claim that you were unaware of the laws regarding this activity, thus you should not face criminal liability. However, you may be surprised to learn that… Read More
Though social media is a great tool as it allows you to connect with friends and family worldwide, it can have negative implications. If you are charged with a crime with an impending trial, you may not think twice about your online presence. However, what you post, like, and share… Read More
When you are suspected of drunk driving, police officers have a variety of ways they can determine whether or not you are under the influence of alcohol. From breathalyzer, which determines your blood alcohol concentration (BAC) through a device, to blood tests, the police will do everything possible to determine… Read More
Despite the precautions to prevent those under 21 from consuming alcohol, many find ways around this to drink. Whether this is an act of teenage rebellion or peer pressure, it can be dangerous. Unfortunately, the risk significantly increases when an intoxicated teenager or young adult gets behind the wheel of… Read More
For many, their home is a safe space where they can retreat at the end of the day and relax. That's why burglary is considered an egregious crime, as it violates the privacy and safety of someone in their most vulnerable space. If you are facing a burglary charge, it's… Read More
While it's important to enjoy your trip out-of-state, having too much fun can land you in trouble. Unfortunately, many on fun vacations may make poor decisions, like getting behind the wheel after having one too many drinks. If this reflects your circumstances and you're now facing an out-of-state DWI, knowing… Read More
In Texas, one of the most severe non-violent felonies you face charges for is drug trafficking. Unfortunately, many people are unaware of what warrants these charges and the subsequent penalties they can face for doing so. As such, it's imperative to understand the circumstances surrounding these charges and how a… Read More
There are a number of reasons why someone may want to videotape their interactions with police officers, but most commonly it serves as a means to protect themselves in the event there is a criminal investigation against them. For example, many keep dashboard cameras in their car that record interactions… Read More
When charged with a crime, there are many different facets of the legal system that can influence the outcome of your case. However, it's vital to understand the role of each entity. One of the most significant people involved in your case is the prosecutor. If you are unfamiliar with… Read More
If charged with a crime, it's essential to understand how the legal system works, as your rights are on the line. As a criminal defendant, you are innocent until proven guilty. Essentially, this means the prosecution must prove, beyond a reasonable doubt, that you are guilty of the charges against… Read More
When you receive notice in the mail that you have been selected for jury duty, you may be frustrated. Many people view this as an inconvenience rather than their civic duty to protect the rights of citizens. Though you may be tempted to skip the date on your summons, after… Read More
If you are charged with a crime in Texas, understanding your options of how to proceed through the criminal process is crucial. Unfortunately, many are unfamiliar with their rights and may assume that entering a plea deal is the best option. However, this is far from the truth. If charged… Read More
Discovering that someone has falsely accused you of sexual assault can turn your whole world upside down. The law takes these allegations very seriously, which is beneficial for victims. However, this can be trouble if you've been falsely accused. As such, knowing how to proceed is crucial to doing everything… Read More
When charged with a crime, you'll likely feel overwhelmed and confused, especially if you've never been in legal trouble before. As such, you may be exceptionally confused by the complexities of what happens once you've been booked. Generally, you will go to a pre-trial hearing in which a judge will… Read More
If charged with racketeering, understanding the implications of this crime is vital. Unfortunately, many are unfamiliar with what this offense actually entails. As such, knowing what you are charged with and the penalties you face is crucial to protecting yourself. Keep reading to learn more about this offense and discover… Read More
Though it may seem like something made up for crime television, instances in which someone has been forced to commit a crime do happen. Unfortunately, victims forced to engage in criminal activity may not know that they can prove duress to help defend themselves from charges. If forced into committing… Read More
If you are taken into police custody and interrogated about a crime, you may feel as though you are helpless. However, you must understand that when you are being interrogated by police, you are still protected under the Constitution. In the event you are arrested and interrogated by law enforcement… Read More
It's no secret that filing taxes is confusing. With so many forms to complete and finances to report, tax season is stressful for many. However, some may deliberately misreport their finances to reduce the taxes they owe to the government. Though it may not seem like a big deal, tax… Read More
When you receive a subpoena, you may be intimidated and stressed. However, when it is a grand jury subpoena, this is much more severe. Unfortunately, many are unaware of what this document is or how to respond. If you've received a grand jury subpoena, the following blog explores what you… Read More
Few things can impact your life like the accusation that you are a domestic abuser. Unfortunately, these accusations can disrupt your career and social life while you face time in prison for actions you never committed. If you've been falsely accused of domestic violence, you may not know where to… Read More
Many assume the impacts of a felony conviction are limited to a fine or time spent in prison. However, this is far from the truth. Those with a criminal record can expect a drastic change in their lives, especially in relation to their career. If you're charged with a felony… Read More
Whether you've been wrongfully charged with driving while intoxicated (DWI) or a lapse in judgment led to poor decisions, you deserve the right to a fair trial. This includes being heard by a jury of your peers. Unfortunately, many facing criminal charges are unaware of their rights, such as a… Read More
Domestic assault is a grave offense in Texas, carrying legal and social ramifications. As such, understanding what you're facing when charged with domestic violence is essential to preparing yourself. The following blog explores what you must know about this criminal offense while explaining why you need Houston family violence defense… Read More
Previously referred to in Texas as Medicaid fraud, any scams involving health insurance are not taken lightly. As such, understanding what constitutes this crime and the penalties associated with it is vital to protecting yourself. If you're accused of healthcare fraud, it's essential to contact an experienced Houston white collar… Read More
Though you may have considered what you would do if someone broke into your home or followed you down a dark street, nothing can fully prepare you for what will happen should this actually occur. Unfortunately, in order to protect yourself, you may have to commit a crime. Luckily, this… Read More
Unfortunately, many don't realize their rights when they are the subject of a criminal investigation. It's often believed that the police and law enforcement can do whatever they want to anyone they suspect of a crime. However, this is far from the truth. The United States Constitution provides protections for… Read More
When charged with driving while intoxicated, the penalties you can face are severe. Not only do you face this following you for the rest of your life, but you can expect hefty fines and the potential for jail time. Whether you're guilty or not, if you're facing charges, it's essential… Read More
Bullying has been around for centuries, and as the times change, so do the methods used to belittle and harass others. One of the most common forms of bullying, known as cyberbullying, occurs on screen through social media, email, chatrooms, and texting. Many teens and young adults who engage in… Read More
The rapid growth of mortgage fraud in the past few years has made it so law enforcement is cracking down on these instances. If accused of mortgage fraud, you must understand the consequences you can face, as this crime is not something you should take lightly. Keep reading to learn… Read More
What may have started as a fun night out with friends can quickly go south when you're standing outside your vehicle in handcuffs facing a DWI charge. Whether you're guilty or not, knowing what penalties you can face is essential to preparing for your criminal case. If convicted, you may… Read More
Facing any drug charge is not something you should take lightly, as the punishment can be harsh. Not only do you face time in prison, but you also risk damaging your social and professional life beyond repair. However, if charged with fentanyl trafficking, you'll quickly find this is one of… Read More
Whether you knowingly or unknowingly committed bribery, understanding the penalties you can face is essential, as the punishment can be harsh. The following blog explores what you must know about this offense and how a Houston white collar crime defense attorney to help you navigate these challenging times. What Constitutes… Read More
When you are facing a criminal charge for driving while intoxicated, understanding what your legal options are is critical. In some instances, your Houston…
Few things can impact your life like the accusation that you are a domestic abuser. Unfortunately, these accusations can disrupt your career and social…